Bill Number: SF190

Bill Name: Election Transparency

Issue Summary: SF190 includes several restrictions to our elections, including a reduction to the time people can vote early in person. The current window is 28 days. Currently, SF190 cuts that to 21 days. A 3rd reading amendment proposes to restore it to 28 days.

Thousands of Wyoming voters rely on having those 28 days to vote. Shift workers, busy parents, agricultural workers, and traveling employees may not be able to vote otherwise. The Wyoming Legislature cut early voting from 45 days to 28 days in 2023, and now they want to cut it again by 25%? Wyoming citizens deserve the opportunity to vote early in person.

Numbers from Laramie County: 17,465 people voted early in the General Election last year. That is 40 percent of all voters and 75 percent of all early voters.

Numbers from Fremont County: 6,410 people voted early in the General Election last year.

Action: Tell senators to support efforts in 3rd reading Wednesday (Feb. 12) to keep the current 28-day window for early voting.

Action Timeline: Message first thing this morning!

Additional Resources: Senate roster:

2025 Action Alert 4

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