Wyoming 2025 Legislature

All the current bills and their reference numbers, titles, sponsors, and tracked activity are posted on the legislative website (wyoleg.org/Legislation/2025). Each week, Marguerite Herman, the league’s lobbyist, composes informative and insightful reports that explain what’s coming and the recent actions in the 2025 Legislature. 

Note: This spreadsheet contains many more than 4 columns with bill info.  To view the rest of the columns click-dragging the column separators. You can also view the full billtrack50 page here.

Legislative Advocacy of Our Partners

Partnerships help ensure our efforts are effective. Their attention to shared goals of empowering voters and defending democracy. The 3 posts below partner goals overlap with ours, but also: (1) those with public bill tracking and (2) 2025 legislative priorities. However, posting information from a coalition of partners does not imply LWVWY endorsement of that organization’s position


The WY Women’s Foundation uses a bill tracker but chooses to display their 6 key issues on 6 different pages, sorted according to the issue: education, health care, representation, childcare & workplace policies, income & asset development, and others.

                             ESPC Logo - Purple - cropped circle (1)

The Equality State Policy Center uses a bill tracker, choosing to display their key issues into two categories: transparent government & fair elections.


Wyoming Education Association LogoThe Wyoming Education Association (WEA) has a Legislative Report Card grading system to help others engage with WEA on bills impacting education. A points system based on bills’ priority and potential positive or negative impact on education is assigned to both sponsorship and votes for or against legislation. The WEA tracking system is also Bill Tracker 50


ACLU Wyoming Full Color Logo.    The ACLU of Wyoming tracks five priorities: (1) free speech; (2) immigrants’ rights; (3) LGBQT+ and Two Spirit rights; (4) reproductive rights; and (5) voting rights. 


Wyoming Outdoor CouncilThe Wyoming Outdoor Council maintains a full-time presence at the Capitol. They believe one of the best ways to get involved is by talking to your legislators and helping them understand your views on issues affecting Wyoming’s lands and wildlife.



The WY Association of Municipalities (WAM) is committed to preserving the constitutional authority of local governments to serve effectively and independently. Their bill tracker is relatively short.


Wyoming Equality (WE) works toward equity for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, and queer Wyomingites by building inclusive communities, shifting the hearts and minds of our neighbors, and achieving policy victories.

Wyoming Equality

They too have a bill tracker, which is mostly about bills they oppose. 



      Honor Wyoming describes itself as “unfiltered, independent news.” A conservative lens on crucial political issues shaping Wyoming’s future.” They offer an index for legislation.



Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.


We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to participate.


We believe in the power of Wyoming citizens to create a more perfect democracy.


LWV Wyoming has been a respected organization in our state for decades. It engages in rigorous study and discussion of public policy issues. Members actively participate in the political process while maintaining a nonpartisan position to promote fair policies.

Wyoming has five local leagues: Campbell County, Casper, Cheyenne, Fremont County, Laramie, and at-large members in Teton County. Together they comprise the state league, LWVWY. 

The LWVWY is a nonpartisan, grass-roots organization working to:

  • Protect and expand voting rights
  • Ensure everyone is represented in our democracy
  • Ensure elections remain free and accessible to all
  • Ensure people have the information they need to participate in elections
  • Promote personal political responsibility through informed and active participation in government and public policy
  • Neither support nor oppose any political party or candidate
  • Support and advocate for policies and legislation based on national and state positions as agreed upon through a study and consensus process
  • Fully commit to ensuring compliance–in principle and practice–with LWVUS’ Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy

Membership in the League of Women Voters of Wyoming is open to all people age 16 or older. We invite you to learn more about us by exploring our website. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want further information.

Nancy Lockwood
President, League of Women Voters of Wyoming

P.S. The Boomerang clipping tells how persistent we are about recruiting members.



Although the League of Women Voters does not support candidates or parties, we take positions on issues after we study them. See positions relating to voting and good government on our advocacy page, and others on our state program page.


Election Materials

See our past legislative reports, recordings of candidate forums, and past voter guides on our elections and government.



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