Native Participation in GOP Convention
We are likely to see an emphasis on the battleground of six 2024 states: Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, and Michigan. Have you considered the power of the Native vote? It could swing the election in half of those states,
Student educational debit cards: AZ investigates $100M overrun
GA is first in the nation to require police training on voting laws
Officers are to become well-versed in their authority around elections. To quote the man heading up the training, “The worst thing that can happen is for a police officer to respond to a scene, not know what their authority is,
5 Candidates slander Forums of LWV of Fremont County
The GOP of Fremont County called out a 5-person group of candidates. That group dissed the LWVFC forums in a letter to the public saying that [They] won’t “answer questions in front of Republican voters.” “We are not confident that
Albany Co Commission GOP candidates respond to local reporter
Jeff Victor gets the 3 GOP candidates to respond to a wide range of questions. He also recommends that voters look to other outlets for candidate information, including the league-sponsored, the jointly sponsored (ACPL and LWV of Laramie) forum
National League of Women Voters has a new CEO
WY incumbents refuse primary debates & WY loses
We see relatively little of our three congressional representatives. Wyoming PBS offered to host debates, but the incumbents won’t come and offer no excuses. Read more>>> FORTUNATELY, three candidates for Senator Barrasso’s seat and three for Representative Hageman’s seat have
Teton County League Members Sponsor Primary Election Candidate Forums
The Teton County Commission candidates for the Democrats side will be on July 17, with Republican candidates introducing themselves (the Republicans go through to the general election). The Jackson Town Council candidates will have their forum on July 18, with
LWV Fremont County Joins in Sponsoring Primary Candidate Forums
The League of Women Voters of Fremont County is joining in the sponsorship of Primary Candidate Forums: July 11 at the Shoshoni Firehall: The first forum from 6 pm – 7:50 pm is for SD20, Ed Cooper and Tom Holmstead;