The Park Co. Commission was asked to impose hand-counting of the 2024 ballots. Currently, machines mechanically count all WY paper ballots. SOS Gray’s office examines and approves those devices. Two reasons were given: (1) to secure elections, and (2) to
LWVUS: work with Sen. Padilla(D-CA) leads to the INVITE Act for new citizens
To quote Sen. Padilla, “As a nation of immigrants, we have a responsibility to make this process as easy as possible for newly naturalized citizens by actively helping them complete and return their voter registration forms.” Jessica Jones Capparell, Director
Closed primaries rob too many of their vote
We mourn the passing of Dr. Deborah Ann Turner, President of the LWVUS
Drake’s Take: What kind of state turns down aid to feed kids?
Fourteen other states preempted Secretary Degenfelder’s speaking for Wyoming in the state capitols of fourteen states. Mr. Drake’s WyoFile editorial asks a question we have repeatedly asked: How can we officially turn away aid that feeds children? Read more>>> Other
January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month
The Adult Trafficking Response team of the Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project is inviting everyone to learn more about the facts and myths surrounding human trafficking this month. Their team is available to take referrals, so if you know
Alaskan Group May Get a Repeal on the 2024 Ballot
Open top-four primaries and ranked-choice voting were passed on the 2020 Alaska ballot. An initiative on the 2024 ballot would substitute a traditional system. According to the leader of the current effort, “Our message is clear: it’s time to remove
Taylor Swift wants them to register
Congress may pass an expansion to the federal child tax credit
The Washington Post newspaper editorial board just published its strong support for this renewed funding that helps mostly low-income parents, perhaps starting in 2024. House and Senate leaders Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Jason T. Smith (R-MO) have worked for months
SCOTUS: “Chevron deference” case financed by Koch & worth $$$
Twin cases question the flexibility federal agencies have to implement laws passed by Congress. This question is similar to Wyoming’s durational residency requirement to vote. “There’s a lot of money and practical consequences attached to [these] legal ambiguities … It’s