Wisconsin LWV has requested an investigation into threatening emails sent to young adults — 18-25 — statewide. Recipients, including younger LWV members, were sent a message intended to discourage: “WARNING: Violating WI Statutes 12.13 & 6.18 may result in fines
How do I register to vote in this county?
And do I need to? If you have not voted since before the November 2022 election, your voter registration was cancelled and you will need to re-register. Same if you’ve moved or changed your name. You can check your voter
James Madison didn’t want the Electoral College
Even after agreeing to the Electoral College, founder James Madison said the constitutional congressdelegates were impaired by “the hurrying influence produced by fatigue and impatience”—even the person who created it didn’t like it. Read more>>>
Ten countries have a Electoral College
The Holy Roman Church was the first to use an indirect electoral college-type system. It continues to do so, as do the U.S.A. and ten other entities worldwide. Thomas Jefferson felt the presidential choice must be protected from “well-meaning but
SCOTUS decides to take up the Tennessee transgender case
Governor Gordon asked the Wyoming AG to join 22 other states with an amicus brief. SCOTUS agreed to hear the case now known as United States v. Skrmetti. At issue is whether the states have the authority to regulate the
Ballot Collection and Native voters in New Mexico and Nevada
The Native vote in NM and Nevada could swing the 2024 presidential election. In Nevada, a law to prohibit ballot collection failed. In AZ such a law passed but was struck down by the SCOTUS in 2021. Interestingly, the Western
Direct Voting in South Dakota: Ballot referenda
Tom Daschle was a popular South Dakota congressman, serving four terms in the House and three in the Senate. Rick Weiland was his senior advisor for 20 years. Weiland lost three of his own campaigns. 2014 was Weiland’s last race;
Justice Dept. sues VA: state purging suspect non-citizens from voting roosters too close to Nov. 5
The 1993 National Voter Registration Act, Section 8(c)(2), also known as the Quiet Period Provision, Section 8(c)(2) of the NVRA, also known as the Quiet Period Provision, requires states to complete systematic programs aimed at removing the names of ineligible voters
WY Episcopal Church returns cultural items to Northern Arapahoe
The Wyoming church has had 200 cultural items — from toys to traditional clothing — since 1946. Pressure from the tribe has been ongoing, especially since Jordan Dresser, chairman of the tribe, got involved. But now, institutions have a five-year
Jackson celebrates Indigenous Day, October 14
Nationally, there has been pressure to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Although it is not yet a federal holiday, several municipalities, including Jackson, now recognize this day. The event is hosted in Jackson by the Wind River Community