On May 7 the ALA and LWV announced a pertnership to engage in the democratic process. The LWV is a nonpartisan civic organization led by volunteers in 750+ local Leagues in every state and DC. The ALA encompasses 9000 libraries
Secretary Gray warns County Clerks about Outside funders
Wisconsin mayor moves ballot drop box to his office
Mid-summer 2024, the Wisconsin courts approved ballot boxes. They also decided that “[local officials] decide whether to use drop boxes.” Read more>>> But which official? In Wausau, just outside Milwaukee, the mayor acted on his opinion that the City Council
The races that will decide control the 2025-26 WY legislature
75% of the WY legislative races are decided. The Freedom Caucus will control the WY House if it wins five more races in the General Election. Rep. Sarah Penn faces the Indigenous candidate Ivan Posey for HD 33. This district
Secretary Gray doubles down on undocumented voting in WY
Claiming that the name of one undocumented person was found and removed from the state voter rolls, Secretary Gray offers that “this example shows the distinct vulnerability to our elections.” Gray supports the federal law called the SAVE Act. It
Memorial Hosp of Carbon Co: ballot issue to become hospital District
2024 will be the third time that Rawlings proposes this ballot measure. Estimates based on 2023 property taxes suggest that the community could exceed the hospital’s operating costs with a 3 mill levy. The example given to understand the impact
U.S. Intelligence Committee: 2024 election remains secure
This article is a serious analysis of “foreign actors” who are and have attempted to influence our elections. It seems that Iran has been busy using AI on social media to invent misleading news and try to infiltrate political campaign
Louisa Swain is celebrated at the WY Women’s History House
Exposing Election Conspiracy in Indiana, in 1919
You won’t want to put down reading this true story from Terra Haute, IN. Fascinating connections to future events such as the Voting Rights Act. The authors end with the paragraph below: “Because of the American voters’ growing intelligence and