The 2024 legislature passed a bill granting money for students’ educational expenses. Students can be four or older and come from families with incomes of 150% of the national poverty level. Costs, too, must qualify, e.g., textbooks, uniforms, or online
Wyoming Election Year Survey, 2024
This survey is reports on the most recent biennial survey of Wyoming residents. It’s co-sponsored by UW’s School of Politics, Public Affairs, and International Studies and the Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center. A few takeaways include: Trump Maintains Strong Support
Campbell County Clerk hosts experiment hand-counting ballots
Take-aways: Surprised on how easy it is to make a mistake, even on their tally sheet You really have to be very focused through the entire process without any distractions Majority participating willing to do it again, still in favor
WY Legislature: Management Council approved update
Best analysis of 2024 election, lighthearted
Elections in remote WY are unique challenges, e.g., Bairoil, Wamsutter, etc.
Knowing your neighbors doesn’t preempt their showing accepted IDs at the poll. Preliminary vote counts can be called in or emailed to the county seat, Green River. The count isn’t official until the county clerk—in Green River—has the physical ballots
Preview of SCOTUS cases for the 2024-2025 session
SCOTUS heard nine in October and has scheduled seven in November. To see for yourself, look at this page that links to appropriate calendars. Read more>>> For a summary of each case and some context, scan this page provided by
How easily your vote is discarded in Pennsylvania
The short story features an 81-year-old woman, Joyce King. This is the first time her vote is in danger. Fortunately, after multiple lawsuits, judges determined that a ballot submitted with a small mistake could be recast, e.g., not dating an
We often misjudge each other regarding politics. Take a quiz.
The quiz here has a purpose: “Many of us have been making assumptions about people based on their politics these days. But studies have found that we are often wrong about supporters of the other party and the policies they
More (real) transparency in 2025 Legislative session
The Management Council, a body of senior legislators, will meet November 7-8. They are likely to approve a couple of new rules: No photo-in-hallways restriction for the media (as was briefly discussed last week) A voting screen will be part