Virtual Screening + Q&A with filmmakers: Who She Is

Join us — LWVWY, the filmmakers of "Who She Is” and various leaders on MMIW/P — on May 2 at 7 pm.  You must register.  Use the Q&R code on the image below or click here to link to the

Tribal Talks: Breaking Boundaries

This event is the last of three sponsored by CWC-Jackson, the WY Humanities Council, the WY Cultural Trust Fund, and the Teton County Library.  The other dates are March 2 and March 23. Jacki Klancher, CWC’s Professor of Environmental Science and Health

MMIP March for Justice

FCSD #25 121 North 5th Street, Riverton, WY, United States

All welcome to participate Wear red (shirts, hats, bandanas, etc.)! Make and bring signs! MORE INFO


Wyoming LWV State Convention Day 1

Gillette College Technical Education Center 3251 S. 4-J Road, Gillette, WY, United States

Gillette Wyoming, Gillette College. Convention runs Saturday 12 to 5 w/ dinner following at 5:30. Sunday 8am-12 Also available via zoom. Registration fee is the same for zoom or in-person Dinner at the Rail Yard Bar and Grille. Cash bar


Wyoming LWV State Convention Day 2

Gillette College Technical Education Center 3251 S. 4-J Road, Gillette, WY, United States

Gillette Wyoming, Gillette College. Convention runs Saturday 12 to 5 w/ dinner following at 5:30. Sunday 8am-12 Also available via zoom. Registration fee is the same for zoom or in-person

Legacy Lecture: Red, White & Blue on the White House Runway

In February 1968 the Johnsons were in the White House and they hosted the first White House fashion show.  Many predicted it would become a yearly tradition.  Nope. The Vietnam War, the murders of Martin Luther King and Robert F.

Minerals, Business & Econ Development meets in Kemmerer

The committee will meet in Kemmerer at the South Lincoln Training & Events Center.   Materials for the meeting are available from their legislative page There are two co-chairs — Ed Cooper and Donald Burkhart, Jr.  There are also

Webinar: Consequences of Default

The Center for American Progress(CAP) will host this discussion with Patrick Gaspar (CAP SEO) Wendy Edelberg (Senior Fellow, Brookings Institute) Mark Zandi (Chief Economist, Moody's Analytics) Emily Gee, CAP Senior VP, will moderate.  Treasury Secretary Janet Yellin warns that "the