Ms. Jeanne Raney from Sublette Co contributes this piece.  She is a guest reporter with a MS in child law from Loyola Law School. Let me shine a light on her revision of a WWII poem by Pastor Martin Niemöller who spent the years 1937 – 1945 in a German concentration camp.  I also include her photo of Pastor Niemöller.

First, they came for the poor, and I did not speak out — because I was not poor and had health insurance.

Then they came for the women, and I did not speak out — because it was not my body they were criminalizing.

Then they came for the LGBTQ, and I did not speak out — because I was a cisgender, hetero white male who did not fear being left to die on a fence.

Then they came for the voters, and I did not speak out — because I belonged to the majority party and would get elected anyway.

Then they came for us — how dare they! — but there was no one left to speak for us.

From WyoFile: Too little too late

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