Senate File 131 would have prohibited members of the public from sending out unsolicited mailers to voters with absentee ballot request forms.  The Wyoming LWV was opposed to this bill and is pleased with the Governor’s action.

SF 131 is about paper ballot requests, not the ballots themselves.  Currently, one can make a simple phone call instead of using a printed form.  Some counties provide a quick online app to request a ballot.

The action of the Liz Cheney campaign touched off the concern for ballot requests being sent en masse.  Her campaign wrote boldly on the envelopes saying “Wyoming Absentee Ballot Request Form Enclosed” giving the impression that envelopes contained official forms.  See her letter below.

Gov Gordon called SF 131 “a vain attempt to promote absentee voting”.  Secretary Gray called it “predatory” and an “arrogant move” that hurt voter confidence and was done in“bad faith.”

Gov Gordon vetoes absentee ballot change proposed by new SOS Gray

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