Chair of the House Revenue Committee Steve Harshman (R-Casper) has said that new blood is good on the Senate Revenue Committee and that it’s one thing to sign anti-tax pledges but quite another to govern.
The 9-member House Revenue Committee includes Representatives Steve Harshman, John Bear (R-Gillette), Andrew Byron (R-Hoback), Tomi Strock (Converse Co), Ember Oakley(R-Riverton), Liz Storer (D-Jackson), Tony Locke (R-Casper), David Northrup (R-Powell), and Dan Zwonitzer (R-Cheyenne).
The 5-member Senate Revenue Committee includes Chair Bo Biteman (R-Ranchester) and Senators Troy McKoewn (R-Gillette), Tim French (R-Powell), Stephan Pappas (R- Cheyenne), and Bob Ide (R-Casper).
Shown below are Senator Biteman (left) and Representative Harshman (right). Read more>>>