This article is from Buck County, PA.  Here are some of their statements on being non-partisan:

  • When the League gives the pros and cons of a ballot question, it is careful to give a clear description of what a “yes” or a “no” vote would mean.
  • The League does not endorse parties or candidates for office, does not fund candidates, and does not ask their members about their political affiliation, if any.
  • We register voters no matter which party they affiliate with.
  • We disperse legislative guides & election information without regard for party.

Non-partisan refers to a person or organization that takes a position on a particular issue based on what they see as the merits of the issue, after rational analysis.

Wearing their advocacy hat, the leagues have positions on topics such as women’s rights, gun safety, climate change/energy, fair funding for education, digital equity, and criminal justice. The PA state and national positions, based on what we believe is best for all citizens, can be found at

You might wish to compare them to the positions of the WY state league or the national league.



What does non-partisan mean?

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