NEA released updated report cards for each state. Wyoming received a B in almost every category while five states got A grades and 13 got Bs. Check out the interactive graphs and standout results on pages 3-4. NEA’s metrics assess
LWV reached 27M voters in 2022 elections
The national LWV released a report on our impact on the election. Read more>>> A highlight was the total number of voters — 27 million. To quote our past CEO Virginia Kase Solomón: “Democracy was on the ballot last fall,
Justices Sotomayor & Barrett united on civility
15 years ago, Justices (conservative) Antonin Scalia and (liberal) Stephen Breyer collaborated for public engagements, discussing their contrasting legal approaches while emphasizing respectful disagreement. Presently, Justices Sotomayor and Barrett aim to uphold civility. Watch them in a short video. Watch>>>
Election Adm: since 2020, twenty-seven states have restricted private $
Listen to an 18-minute podcast interviewing writer Joe Greaney, about the origin of the debate, arguments for and against banning private funds, the partisan leaning of states with bans in place, and upcoming legislation. on funding legislation. Listen>>>
Casper League Member to Speak in Laramie
On Tuesday, March 19, the Albany County Historical Society is hosting Kylie Louise McCormick presenting “Fifty-One Years of Freedom: Wyoming’s Suffrage Story from 1869-1920”, at 7 pm in the WY Territorial Prison’s Horse Barn Theater. Kylie is a member of
Joint Committee — 10 members — will reconcile HB1 and SF1 before final votes
The gap between the two versions of the 2025-2026 budget resulted from the WY Senate cutting the Governor’s version by $767M and the WY House increasing it by $362M. Cuts might surprise some; they include no large school constructions for
Status of HB 148: bill includes chemical abortion amendment
Stefan Johansson, director of the Wyoming Department of Health, told senators that the bill places restrictions on chemical abortions, e.g., ultrasounds 2 days prior, that don’t require a surgeon. Senator Rothfuss (D-Albany) testified that HB 148 now makes abortion “overwhelmingly
HB125, eliminating gun-free zones, moves into Senate
Rep. Jeremy Haroldson (R-Wheatland), sponsor of HB125, is optimistic that the bill will pass through the Senate. The bill includes some exceptions that either exclude guns or allow only closed carry. For example, only concealed carry would be allowed on
Homeschooling parents testify against HB166, the “savings account” bill
“These might seem like relatively benign requirements… [but] they could open the door for a broader range of requirements,” claimed one homeschooling parent. This fear of regulations on homeschooling far outweighed the benefit of the possible $1000–$5000 that a family
Governor Gordon uses a line item veto on Gray’s ESG rules
The Governor explains that the deleted portions constitute overreach by the Secretary’s rules: advising and educating investors is within the domain of the SOS, but restricting their choices goes too far.