NYT editorial board: Their idea on the immigration mess
This essay, shared the Google Groups “LWVUS Immigration Discussion Group,” offers convincing data. The first example is Japan: since 2009, their population is dropping. We seldom see or hear more. Read about the extreme impact! Another compares two states. Alabama
21 become newest WY citizens
21 people from around the world took their oath of citizenship on Monday in Casper. The ceremony consisted of remarks on the US armed forces, recorded messages from dignitaries such as President Biden, and the new citizens telling of personal
Democracy: Civic Virtue, or American Religion?
This essay is taken from the University of Wyoming’s student newspaper, The Branding Iron. Its author, Charles Vaughters, does not reside in WY. He is involved in finance and resides in a county on the edge of Richmond, VA. He
13th Amendment: Slavery is still in the Constitution, for some
As we watch the life-and-death fires rip through Southern California, we remember the public servants involved fighting losses. Did you know: Public servants… [is a group that includes] civil servants but also encompasses individuals who work in various public sector roles,
Property tax exemptions will impact your community
This article interviews folks in Fremont Co. It could have gone to any WY county. One muct apply for the exemption. Fremont Co had almost 2000 applications at the end of December. If all qualify, that community will receive $1.7
Bobby Starbuck’s campaign to end DEI, one company at a time
This is an 8-minute recording from The Wall Street Journal. This young agitator uses the Cuban family history and deep dives into reports from a targeted company with what’s seen as right-wing consumers. A 2023 example is the Nissan company.
Voters will decide in 2026: should property taxes be cut 50%?
Hot button energy bills in 2025 Legislature
Governor Investigating Weston Co. Clerk over complaints
On Dec. 19, eight voters asked that the clerk, Becky Hadlock, be dismissed. At issue is a miscount after the general election. The mistake was first revealed when Secretary Gray noticed suspiciously low numbers for Chip Nieman (HD1-Hulett): the tally