Judy Knight: 3-part series on history of Laramie’s West Side
Girl Scouts & the White House
This event is also posted on the calendar for 3/1/2023. LWVWY is particularly interested in the work of the Girl Scouts and has initiated the Voter Girl project with the Girl Scouts of WY and MT. The Girl Scouts
Taking the Mic: Fearless Women in America
SCOTUS oral arguments on Biden v. Nebraska, student debt
LGBTQ+ SF133: Impressive efforts to kill the bill
Monday was stressful. Time was running out in the WY House, and Monday was the last day to reach and pass the Committee of the Whole. Because the SF133 encumbered so much $, it was referred to Appropriations to be
LWVWY set SF 61 as a high priority issue and it has passed
Senator Yin (R — Teton) was heard saying that the per diem he and all legislators receive doesn’t cover his costs for gasoline driving to the sessions. The $105 per diem used today was current in 2005. Today, the federal
How to override the House Speaker
Read here to learn more about bills pulled from drawers and such. The political oddities we hear about this Session relate to a set of rules that two-thirds of the nation’s legislative bodies observe, Mason’s Manual. We may be surprised
Exploited: Children work & learn FT, employers claim ignorance
Roald Dahl’s publisher offers a messy compromise for children’s books
Roald Dahl is dead but his stories such as “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” “James and the Giant Peach”, and “Matilda” live on. Now they come in two versions: updated and classic versions. See some differences. Augustus Gloop is no longer