WyoFile invites public to 2nd “pop-up” summer newsroom

The invitation comes from Tennessee Watson, the deputy managing editor. The newsroom is at Sunshine Coffee, southwest corner of the Laramie Civic Center.  As Tennessee says, "... It’s a chance for you to get to know some of our reporters

Better Wyoming invites us to a Happy Hour

Local election issues—especially races for county commissioners and city councilors.   Bring your topic(s) and see what others think and know related to them. The event will be at Laradise Lane on south 2nd street, the space between the Vision Center

Women’s History House Sip and Savor: Kim Viner is the featured historian

Remember that gated building next to The Sugarmouse Tea House?  That's the WY Women's History House!  That's where to sip and savor, meet new friends, and hear unique presentations,  typically about historical WY.  This week's presenter is 6th-generation WY native

CWC, Riverton: Democracy Under Construction

Meet at the Central Community College for a community conversation. Join LWVFC & the WY Humanities Council for a guided, nonpartisan discussion of the book "Democracy Under Construction" Read more about the project>>>

Anniversary of the 19th Amendment

Ratified on August 18, 1920, prohibits denying citizens the right to vote based on gender.  Specifically: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State

PVA meeting

The Progressive Voter Alliance meets monthly featuring both open mic public comment and two invited, local presenters.  This month Leslie Waggoner and Mary Mountain share their messages. Leslie is an archivist at AHC.  She'll tell the story of the KKK

2-day Interim Committee on School Facilities Meeting

This meeting is in Jackson, in the District Board Room, starting at 1:00 p.m. The only agenda item is a tour of the high school, Munger Mountain Elementary, and the Transportation Garage.  Read more>>>  

Day 2: Interim School Facilities Committee

The Committee hears reports first, including recommendations for charter schools.  Browsing the meeting materials (posted on wyoleg.gov), there is a lengthy discussion of the differences between the previous ranking system and the new one.  A few schools shifted significantly.  Read