Laramie LWV Board Meeting

The Laramie LWV is meeting at the Wyoming Women's History House, virtual access through teleconference will be available

WY Women’s House: Holiday Open House

Again, this event is thanks to Mary Mountain, Executive Director of the History House.  As Mary describes it: Jane Ivinson We'll have treats and community and student musicians and choirs and of course, the decor around the HH. Our first

2024 Annual League Survey is dispatched to leadership

As always, local leagues are encouraged to complete their surveys quickly.  A drawing will be held, allowing leagues to win one of ten $200 grants or one of three Convention '26 registrations.  States for which all local leagues submit may

Webinar: Federal Trade Comm. Ch. Lina Khan

Chair Khan is the outgoing FTC leader.  She and Brookings Institute Visitor Bill Baer will discuss the recent FTC, this past year and those to come. Preregister>>> Professor Khan is a faculty member at Columbia University Law School.  She's the

ESPC’s 2-day Citizen Lobbyist training in Cheyenne

This citizen lobbyist training is designed to equip you with the skills and confidence. You'll learn from seasoned advocates about lobbying and testifying. Monday, January 20th, is Lobby Day, complete with a free breakfast.  Put your training to use.  The