WY 2023 meeting Mental Health & Vulnerable Adults Task Force

This one-day meeting in Cheyenne begins with a review of their July 18-19 task force meeting.  The agenda includes presentations from groups such as  Family Services and the Dept of Health describing what is available and what is needed.

Jackson hosts foreign affairs expert : Ukraine’s path forward

Fina Hill presents at the Center for the Arts in Jackson, sponsored by the Jackson Hole Center for Global Affairs.  As an intelligence analyst, Ms. Hill served the George W Bush and Obama administrations.  She held a senior position for

Framing the Future: monthly office hrs to learn LWVUS plans

How does the League remain viable for the next 100 years? Since 2016, the League has been on a "transformation journey.  The 3rd Wednesday of every month  2:00 - 3:00 through June 2024 is an opportunity to listen, ask, give

Ratification of 19th Amendment about Women’s Suffrage

The 19th Amendment passed in 1920.  Its text is concise and appears below. “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of

Day 1: WY Interim Corporations Committee meets

The Committee will meet in Douglas at the EWC Multipurpose Room.  Day 1, members will discuss proposed legislation, including: new 30-day residency requirement to vote or run for office ... 24LSO-0091  call to Congress to make public political contributions &

Serving Indigenous People Affected by Trafficking

  This session examines the obstacles Native individuals face in accessing care.  We'll hear about strategies for working with human trafficking survivors within tribal communities.  Register to attend at this link>>>  

Meet with Rocky Mountain Power representatives

Rocky Mountain Power asked the Wyoming Public Service Commission for a 30% rate hike for residential users.  Perhaps a surprising consequence will be that WY trona will become too expensive to sell to China. The decision will come in October,

Day 2: WY Interim Corporations Committee meets

The Committee will meet in Douglas at the EWC Multipurpose Room.  Day 1, members will discuss proposed legislation, including: new 30-day residency requirement to vote or run for office ... 24LSO-0091  call to Congress to make public political contributions &