The proposed Ohio constitutional amendment would require a supermajority to pass rather than the current 1912 version with a simple majority.  Proponents claim that out-of-state influencers have kidnapped the process, inflating the Constitution.  Critics remind the public of three facts.  Read more>>>

  • Voter initiatives tend the control the legislature
  • This off-year legislative initiative would cost more and draw fewer voters
  • The bills in question are being funded by an Illinois uber-billionaire.


The signature rule in Ohio is easier to meet than the one in Wyoming.

The Ohio process has two steps.  Petitioners need 3% of the votes for the Governor in the previous election to place their measure before the Legislature.  If the measure fails, then petitioners must gather another 3% to get their measure on the ballot.  The WY signature process was changed in 1998 making it county specific:  15% of the signatures from at least 2/3 of Wyoming’s 23 counties must accompany the petition.

To make Voter Initiatives harder, Ohio bills must pass by 5/10. May call a special session.

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