Even before Roe v. Wade was overturned, chemical abortions had become the prevalent method of abortion. A two-pill combination including mifepristone is the most popular. The new WY law goes into effect on July 1 and expressly outlaws mifepristone. Thirteen
State Roadblock for the Florida League of Women Voters
Cecile Scoon, President of the LWV of Florida — pictured below — discusses the new limits on rallies saying their members face a radical change. They have an active suit over the 2021 voting law and the redistricting of Florida,
Enable or Support? What does “real” support — for WY mothers — look like?
Our 2023 legislators typically wish to avoid federal money. Seeing all the ways state government is in our lives, Sen. Schuler (R-Evanston ) remarked, “That’s the tough part. Where’s the balance between what some people consider government overreach and government
Secretary Haaland criticized for Alaskan compromise
Connect with the Blackwell family & assist the Library of Congress
One league suggested a Valentine action item with the Library of Congress (LoC) — transcribing letters & diaries of the Blackwell family. 4260 people worked on the Blackwell project since 2020 completing 55,949 pages. There’re 238 pages in progress. The figure
WPM’s Days of Dedication
Origins of Women’s History Month
We salute our living past presidents, notably President Jimmy Carter for his attention to women. In 1978 he celebrated the first official Women’s Week to coincide with International Women’s Day. Others took up the cause and on February 28, 1980,
Single women take an outsize role in the workforce — and the economy
This article is based on a report released this week and covers data through 2021. Some of the data that surprised me includes: 52% of the women in 2021 were unmarried 7%. of the women in 1900 were unmarried never-married