‘How to Rig an Election’: Tom Hanks & Jeffery Robinson

Hanks & Robinson, former ACLU deputy legal director, have produced a short, animated film about the contested and consequential 1876 presidential.  The Washington Post’s Kate Woodsome will moderate the conversation about  “How to Rig an Election: The Racist History of

Reading Jackie: her autobiography in books

The National First Ladie's Library sponsors this zoom event and it's one of their monthly Legacy Lectures.  In describing both the book and this lecture, author William Kuhn writes:  She was a book editor in New York for nearly two

Ratification of 17th Amendment about the Popular Vote

Amendment 17 passes in 1913.  Its text appears below. Originally state legislators chose congressional senators. A striking example of how dysfunctional this process could be comes from Delaware 1895.  Their legislators were completely deadlocked and Delaware didn't have a senator

The Big Truth: Maj Garrett & David Becker discuss their new book

Sponsored by the Colorado LWV, this session hosts co-authors well-known to the politics of Washington DC.  Here is a short review of their book.  You must register for the event.  Read more>>> “Concerned that the sanctity of the 2022 midterm

DC Emancipation Day Panel

April 16th is a celebration of President Lincoln’s D.C. Emancipation Act, which freed approximately 2,989 African Americans in 1862 during the Civil War.  Meet DC leaders leading this fight for a panel discussion.   You must register.  Go to register>>>

SCOTUS hears Pugin v. Garland + Garland v. Cordero-Garcia

Two cases will be heard together.  Both hinge on the definition or understanding of "obstruction of justice."  Specifically, may an offense after or before a legal procedure count as an obstruction to that procedure?  Both defendants were long-time -- 1985

Alternate Voting Methods Task Force LWVCO

Join in the discussion with the permanent committee on alternative voting methods.  If you missed their meeting last month 3/20/2023, click here to watch its recording The committee has the stated purpose "to promote the collective actions necessary to advance