LWV 2024 National Convention

All league members are welcome to attend although leagues have limited numbers of (voting) delegates. The conference hotel is the Washington Hilton  -- $239/night + tax + fees.  The conference includes a Lobby Day on Thursday.  Go to the website

LWVUS Convention Webinar: Dismantling Electoral College

The LWVUS has launched a long-term campaign to end the Electoral College.  We claim that this would take the nation one step closer to one-man-one-vote. Now, during its 2024 Annual Convention, the league will share some events

1st of Two Presidential Debates

Atlanta will serve as the debate's host city.  Moderators will be Jake Tapper and Donna Bash.   Atlanta will host the debate, with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash moderating. The New Republic is hosting a "Debate Watch Party." Register now

LWV Laramie Primary Candidate Forum HD 45 and SD 10

The non-partisan League of Women Voters of Laramie (LWV) and the Albany County Public Library (ACPL) are sponsoring Albany County Primary Election Candidate Forums on Thursday evenings, from 7 – 9 pm. June 27 will feature candidates for House District