Ratification of the 20th Amendment Reducing Lame Duck Period

Initially, Congress and the Presidency changed on the same day, March 4.  The 20th Amendment was passed in 1933 moving each earlier on the calendar.  Congress begins on January 3 and the Presidency on January 20.  The amendment also made

Ratification of the 14th Amendment Insuring Citizens’ Rights

The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution are also called the "Civil War Amendments."  The 14th was ratified in 1868 making 2023 its 155th anniversary.  Unlike many, the 14th Amendment is quite wordy and is comprised of five

Ratification of the 15th Amendment

The text is short: The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Missing People Day

“Violence against Indigenous peoples is a crisis that has been underfunded for decades..." – Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland Take a moment to grasp that Native people are 10 times as likely as all US citizens to go missing or

Ratification of 11th Amendment on State Immunity

The 11th Amendment was ratified in 1795 by 12 or the 15 states.   It restricted jurisdiction over suits files by individuals from a different state and based on federal law.  At issue were cases of  debt or property arguments.  Fun

Ratification of the 25th Amendment on Presidential Succession

The 25th Amendment was passed in 1967 after President  John F. Kennedy was killed.  The Amendment was established the line of succession:  VP, pro tempore of Senate, Speaker of House, etc.   The Amendment was used when VP Spiro Agnew