Turns out that state and city flags fail most rules for for good design. For example, 24 states had/have seals somewhere on the field but seals shouldn’t be anywhere. Designer
Governor Gordon signs 3 property tax bills — out of 20 submitted
In the 2023 session, legislators proposed 3 changes. SJ3 is constitutional amendment that defines a new, fourth tax group. Voters will decide whether they support this idea on the 2024 Ballot. The idea is a compromise between protecting the budgets
Brennan Center: A plan to reduce incarceration
The Brennan Center advocates a new $1 billion federal funding program — the Public Safety and Prison Reduction Act — to fund states to reduce incarceration while promoting fair criminal justice policies that preserve public safety. Policies should also consider the
The Joint Interim Committees have their assignments
The Joint Management Council met this week to make public the Interim topics — prioritized — and the number of meetings apportioned to each interim committee. Chairs and co-chairs started each discussion, followed by testimony and questions from the public
The fascinating Rise & Complex Legacy of First Lady Edith Wilson
This is the video recording of the 3/22/2023 installment of “Women on Wednesdays” co-hosted by the First Ladies Initiative. We watch a conversation with Rebecca Boggs Roberts, noted historian on women’s suffrage, about her book, Untold Power: The Fascinating Rise and
SCOTUS hears water rights case Arizona v Navaho Nation
The oral arguments recording of Arizona v Navajo Nation is interesting, especially as some Justices — especially Justice Kagan — express incredulity thinking water isn’t implicit in treaties. The lawyer Kolby KickingWoman representing the Navaho is described as Dine — he
Judge Jackson dissents as SCOTUS overrules MO abortion ruling for minor
Phil Roberts Wrote the Book, and now the WY Almanac
An interview with Phil Roberts, UW History professor emeritus, is in this week’s Cowboy State Daily newspaper. Phil shares a few recent personal problems and we want to express our condolences for Phil’s brother and work co-author. Both worked on
Abortion ban hearing Wed 3/22 in Teton Co
UPDATE: Abortions are again legal. The “trigger law” passed during the 2022 session was blocked temporarily by County Judge Melissa Owens of Teton Co and passed to the WY Supreme Court. SF 109 — Life is a Human Act
Gov Gordon vetoes absentee ballot change proposed by new SOS Gray
Senate File 131 would have prohibited members of the public from sending out unsolicited mailers to voters with absentee ballot request forms. The Wyoming LWV was opposed to this bill and is pleased with the Governor’s action. SF 131 is